Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
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Example Command Scripts using Mat
Included in this package are some example Shell scripts that demonstrate
some of the ways in which Mat can be useful. You might even want to put
some of them -- or variants thereof -- into your own S: directory.
I've had to omit one or two of the ones I use most, because they're
rather too dependent on ny own environment to be portable (or of interest
to anyone but me!).
There are scripts that emulate (with advantages) the AmigaDOS commands
PrintFiles and Search, one that does almost any kind of multiple file
renaming you might want, a utility for file counting, and so on.
Following are descriptions of the scripts and instructions for their use.
Look at the scripts themselves as well to see how they work. Most of them
are fairly commented.
I will assume you are using the (AmigaDOS 1.3) Shell (or equivalent) to
execute the scripts as commands. They all have the "Script" bit set.
PR -- Print files with matching names
This is a simple script that is in some ways more versatile than the
PRINTFILES program supplied with the Workbench in that you can use
pattern specifiers as well as plain file names (though -- unlike
PRINTFILES -- you can only run it from the shell). It runs in the
background, sending the specified files to the printer (PRT:),
separated by form-feeds.
For example, to print all .DOC files in the current directory:
PR #?.doc
You can include up to five filename specifiers in the command line.
These can include directory paths which in turn can contain patterns.
To look through all the directories at the top level of df1: and print
any files with DOC or README in their name:
PR df1:#?/#?(doc|readme)#?
Let's use this PR script to demonstrate some of the added features of
Mat pattern matching. (All these remarks and cautions about patterns
and file specifiers apply to the other scripts as well.) For a start,
if you prefer "*" to "#?", Mat allows that instead (provided it is not
inside quotes, where EXECUTE will misunderstand its meaning):
PR *.doc
If you want to print out all the files in the current directory that
are NOT .INFO files, use:
PR #?~(.info)
SCH -- Search Text files for strings
This script is a reasonable facsimile of the AmigaDOS SEARCH, except
that it is much faster! (The difference isn't quite as great as if
you used Mat directly, due to the overhead of script decoding, but
it is still usually a factor of two on reasonably long files -- the
difference may be overwhelmed by disk access on shorter ones.) It
doesn't have all the switch options of the 1.3 SEARCH command, but it
does attempt to reproduce the 'ALL' switch; the format of the output is
different, though, and it can only handle five levels of directories.
Note the use of the redirection character '>' as an option argument;
unlike shell redirection, though, you MUST have a space between the
character and the destination filename.
SCH #?.DOC something
SCH > result SEARCH something FROM df0: ALL
REF -- Search Text files for strings
REF is a slightly different approach to the SEARCH concept: the matched
strings are highlighted. It runs in the background, and prints out
everything at once when done. [The script as supplied writes to a
temporary file 'T:Ref_List'; you can look at this again with 'MORE' or
something, but you could also easily change the script to make a more
permanent record.]
REF expects a simple string as the argument it is to search for (not a
pattern). You can use patterns in your file specifier to specify which
are to be searched (as in SCH); up to three specifiers are allowed.
All lines found that include the string anywhere within them are
displayed, with the actual match section highlighted. It assumes no
upper/lower case distinctions are wanted. If you want different
assumptions, use Mat directly (or rewrite REF). Don't forget to put
quotes around your string if it contains spaces.
REF "string search" #?.DOC
would highlight all occurrences of the words "string search" in all
the .DOC files in this directory.
MREF -- Search Text files for patterns
This is exactly the same script as REF, except that the string-search
argument to Mat is omitted. This means a) it can search for patterns
as well as simple strings, and b) it is VERY slow!
One example out of the endless possibilities should suffice:
MREF "(pattern|string) match" #?.doc
will find all the lines that contain "pattern match" or "string match"
in all the .DOC files in this directory.
Remember that the difference in speed between REF and MREF is due
to the "triage" that the first one does with a string search for
candidate lines, before matching and slicing. You can write your own
variant to suit your needs; for example you could have more flexibility
by allowing separate string and pattern arguments, or you could add
line numbers to the output.
REN -- Global rename with pattern matching.
This script I use a lot, but it needs more knowledge of Mat's pattern
matching features than the previous ones. The thing is that when you
have the freedom AmigaDOS gives you in naming files (compared to
certain operating systems on certain other machines that we will
ignore...) you need much more than the "ren *.c *.bak" convention
that suffices for those primitive systems; we have no "root names" and
"extensions" to be treated as indivisible units. To provide a general
renaming facility we have to introduce concepts like "slices" and
As an example, suppose I have some text files that all end in '.txt',
and I want to rename these to, say, '--.txt_OLD'. It happens though
that they all have associated icons '--.txt.info' which will have to be
renamed too, and if they are to remain WorkBench-accessible the ".info"
string must stay at the end of the name. So, how do we do this with
REN? Like this:
REN #?.txt^#? AS ^0_OLD^1
Yipes! Whad'all'dat?
OK. So I jumped in at the deep end. Be brave. Let's look at the
pattern first: it's fairly standard except for the little "^" that
crept in after "txt"; this is a "slice mark" that indicates where we
want to split up the matched string. Each resulting match can be
referenced in two parts: 1) everything up to ".txt", and 2) everything
after that (this could be empty). By the way, that mark is NOT
produced with the CTRL key: all references to "^" here mean the actual
caret character (aka "circumflex" or "hat") -- "SHIFT-6" on your
Then there's that very strange second command argument (the keyword
"AS" is optional); those slice marks seem to crop up here again. Only
-- sorry -- this time they're not slice marks: this is a "template",
and they -- with the character immediately following -- are
"selectors". The template indicates exactly how the matched string is
to be rearranged (the script itself extends this considerably to do the
actual renaming job, but don't worry about that here). Breaking the
template up, the first two characters are "^0"; this means "use the
part of the match before the slice mark". Following this, "_OLD" is the
literal string we want inserted at that point. Finally, "^1" means "use
the rest of the match".
As a result of this command, then, we would see this sort of renaming:
myfile.txt becomes myfile.txt_OLD
myfile.txt.info " myfile.txt_OLD.info
any other.txt " any other.txt_OLD
any other.txt_oops " any other.txt_OLD_oops
That last renaming operation mightn't be part what we wanted, so in
that case we would extend the previous command:
REN #?.txt^(%|.info) ^0_OLD^1
which would ONLY rename files that ENDED either with '.txt' or with
Another common sort of renaming is not to add, but to change, a segment
of the name:
myfile.txt --> myfile.OLD
myfile.txt.info --> myfile.OLD.info
...and so on
For this, we need TWO slice marks:
REN #?.^txt^#? ^0OLD^2
In this case "^0" refers to the match up to the ".". "^1" is the piece
between the first and second slice marks -- i.e. "txt". It doesn't
appear in the template this time -- it is discarded and replaced by
"OLD". "^2" is now the remainder of the match following the second
Of course the renaming job is often simpler than this. For example to
move all your '.c' files to an existing subdirectory 'old', just use:
REN #?.c old/^F
"^F" is the selector for the original file name, so this just prefixes
"old/" to it. And you can always reduce to the basics:
REN myfile yourfile
(The script detects that there are no template markers, and simply
calls the RENAME command.)
All simple now? ..It gets easy with a little practice. For the whole
story on slicing and templates, read Mat.DOC.
This script will either count all the files matching a specifier:
FILECOUNT work:test/#?.c
or -- with the first argument representing a selection pattern --
count both the number of files matching the selection pattern and
the total number of files searched:
FILECOUNT #?.c work:test/#?.(c|h)
In this second mode (but not in the first, because of key identification
problems) you're allowed up to five specifiers.
This reports the number of lines in each file matching the spec.
(It uses a bit of a kluge -- a nonsense pattern that should never
match -- to do it.) Again you can have up to five specifiers.
LINECOUNT work:test/#?.c
"Path Save" -- Creates an executable script file (by default named
"re-path"; a parameter to the command will be used as the name if
supplied) that when invoked will reset the path to what it was when
PATHS was executed. This script also uses a PIPE: (though it could
work only slightly less conveniently with a temporary file). Notice
how Mat's negated match ability is used to prevent unwanted addition of
"C:" and "Current Directory".
"Save Assigns" -- creates a script file that will re-assign all
NON-System Assigned Devices to what they were when SASS was executed.
(Any existing, non-conflicting assignments are left undisturbed when
the script "re-assign" is executed.) Normal system assigns -- like
"SYS:" and "C:" will not be recorded in the script (again managed by
Mat's negated match). Again too this uses PIPE:s, but also is the only
script that requires an auxiliary program, "ElideS", to be on the path.
This program is a trivial space compactor that lets us bypass Mat's
difficulty with variable spaces. For your own interest you might want
to convert this into a script that UN-Assigns all non-system
assignments (left as the proverbial "exercise for the reader"...).
You may find this one useful if you write C programs. It scans
through the set of source files represented by the specifier, and creates
a set of target dependencies (for the headers included in each file) in
the form usually required by the "make" utility. It is not as smart as
some of the custom programs that do the same job, in that it won't look
at "includes of includes" -- you'd have to do that bit by hand -- but
it's adequate for a lot of needs. Like SCH, it uses the redirection
character '>' as a keyword argument to redirect the output to the
appropriate file (it just displays it if omitted). It assumes that all
the files it is to search have names ending in ".c"; you can leave the
extension part off if you like, and it will be added:
MAKEDEP > makebase my#?.c
MAKEDEP > makebase my#?